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Writer's pictureIulia Popescu Psychotherapy

Mistaken Beliefs

Ever wonder where mistaken beliefs about self-worth come from? Here are the key sources that shape our perception of value:

-Cultural and societal expectations

-Media and social media influence

-Upbringing and early experiences

-Peer pressure and comparison

-Personal insecurities and perfectionism

Many of the worries we feel come from mistaken beliefs. We often talk ourselves into fear by expecting the worst, criticising ourselves, or chasing impossible standards.

Thoughts like 'I'm nothing unless I succeed' or 'I must do things perfectly' or 'It's not worth 'it will keep us stuck in anxiety. Letting go of these false assumptions can make life feel less stressful and more confident. Ask yourself, 'What would I try if I knew couldn’t fall?' Then what’s really stopping me?

Photo by Sangam Sharma on Unsplash


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