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Feeling your feelings?

Feelings do not come out of the blue but are influenced by thoughts and perceptions. They arise from how you perceive or interpret events and/or react to your inner thought processes, self-talk, imagery, or memories.

Feelings provide energy. When suppressed for a long time, they can become overwhelming when they surface, sometimes causing irrational fears or panic.

This panic often signals that suppressed feelings are trying to emerge. Initially, feelings may seem overwhelming or scary, but this passes once you accept and experience them.

Feeling your emotions fully will not make you fall apart. On the contrary, avoiding your feelings creates emotional disturbances. So, embrace your emotions—allow yourself to feel them.

You can learn and improve at identifying, expressing, and communicating your feelings with practice. Though it takes time, especially if you've ignored them for long, this skill is crucial for recovering from anxiety, just like relaxation, desensitisation, and cognitive skills.

The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook-Edmund J. Bourne

Photo by on Unsplash Maryna Kazmirova


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