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Does your anger ever feel like it’s growing, ready to explode?

What if I told you there are simple strategies to take control before it erupts? 

-Let Go of the Need to Always Be Nice: 

Allow yourself to express irritation or anger when appropriate, without resorting to dumping it on others. Find constructive ways to release anger, like talking to someone or writing it out. 

-Overcome Fear of Losing Control: 

Fears of going towards "uncontrollable rage" are often exaggerated. The intensity of anger will diminish once expressed, especially if done constructively, like on inanimate objects or through writing.

-Don’t Fear Alienating Loved Ones: 

Expressing anger can actually show you care. Withholding anger may convey indifference or a false sense of calm.

-Communicate Assertively, Not Aggressively: 

Use "I" statements to express anger respectfully, avoiding blame. Your anger stems from your interpretation of someone’s behavior, not their actions alone.

-Match Expression to Intensity: 

Use physical outlets for intense anger before talking. For moderate anger, talk it out with someone neutral first. Mild irritation can often be managed with deep breathing or counting to ten.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash


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