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Causes of low self-esteem

Do these categories fit you? It can be hard to recall a blurry childhood, but remembering isn't about blaming your parents—they likely did their best. Understanding your past helps release it and rebuild your present. 

Causes of Low Self-Esteem:

  • Overly critical parents may leave you feeling like you're never good enough. As an adult, this can lead to perfectionism and self-criticism.

  • Overprotective parenting fosters insecurity and fear of independence. Building self-confidence is key.

  • Neglectful parents can leave children feeling insecure, worthless, and lonely. As adults, they may neglect their own needs.

  • Feeling unwanted by parents leads to self-doubt and self-sabotage. Learning self-love is crucial for healing.

  • Childhood loss through death or divorce can lead to feelings of abandonment and insecurity. Adults may become over dependent or develop addictions.

Start caring for yourself. 

Become your own good parent.

Source:The anxiety & Phobia Workbook-Edmund J. Bourne.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash



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