There are many clichés and unknowns surrounding hypnotherapy. But this is nothing more than a state of relaxation and deep attention. You are able to reach a state where your mind is less concerned with everyday worries and problems; with the help of relaxation exercises and verbal suggestions, you free yourself from negative thoughts and change your limiting behaviors. Through hypnotherapy, the therapist helps you deal with the problems you face, discover traumas that have not healed over time and understand, explore and accept or change the way you act.
During hypnotherapy you are facilitated to enter a state of increased concentration, in which the power of suggestion is increased, and the therapist can help you break bad habits with the help of mental images and messages that bring transformation.
Hypnotherapy has proven benefits and can be of real use to you if:
1) You are anxious, worry excessively and often without good reason;
2) You suffer from insomnia or have, in general, problems with sleep;
3) You often have panic attacks, phobias, fears and irrational fears;
4) You have low self-esteem and a level of self-confidence that leaves much to be desired;
5) You have addictions, unhealthy habits, disorders or compulsive behaviors;
6) You exhibit chronic physical pain, weight control problems, or other disorders and/or medical problems
7) You manifest problems with concentration, focus, attention or direction;
8) You feel the need to improve your performance - in business, on a personal level (in relations with your partner, family or friends), in sports, etc.
What changes do hypnotherapy sessions bring?
1) In the process, you reprogram the unconscious mind: you find the fears that stand in the way of your goals and overcome your blockages.
3) You recalibrate your vision and projections of the world, experiences and relationships with those around you.
2) You increase your self-control while removing feelings of helplessness: together with the state of deep relaxation and the therapist's guidance, you gain better awareness and emotion management skills, you increase your self-esteem, and you reduce your anxiety.
4) You activate your inner mechanisms with intuitive knowledge and charge yourself with positive energy.
Collaborate with me to produce inner changes, with visible and impactful results on all levels